Seven years ago, a group of former military leaders, diplomatic professionals, and senior public policy executives observed an increasingly polarized environment that fostered confusion, misperceptions, and disunity. Simultaneously, they identified the absence of a nonpartisan, whole-of-government voice of candor, experience, and reason on issues affecting our nation’s safety and security. They recognized they had the unique composition, expertise, and skill to fill that need. They formed a unique organization comprised exclusively of retired generals, admirals, senior government executives, and diplomats. Believing in the lifelong obligation of their oaths to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, ACNSL dedicated itself to improving understanding, promoting fact-based decision-making, and fostering a stronger national security.

ACNSL Values

  • Strive to strengthen American ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States and to enhance national security.

  • Promote civic duty.