Arms Control Committee

Titan II ICBM - decommissioned nuclear missile - at the Titan Missile Museum, Green Valley, Sahuarita, Arizona


The ACNSL supports a robust arms control posture as a necessary and strategically vital aspect of U.S. national security. Strong arms control policies that encourage non-proliferation reduce the risk of weapons of mass destruction being used, thereby safeguarding American lives and promoting global stability. ACNSL seeks to educate the public and Congress about the benefits of arms control through increased transparency, intelligence collaboration, and governance oversight.


Strategic Challenges

  • Maintaining stability with Russia is essential to avoiding an arms race, addressing nuclear modernization, and ensuring compliance with arms control agreements.

  • Engaging China to enhance transparency and reduce risks, particularly in nuclear and advanced weapon systems, is critical to avoiding miscalculations or escalation.

  • North Korea's nuclear ambitions threaten global security, requiring strengthened diplomacy and support for regional allies to deter aggression.

  • Rigorous enforcement of agreements and diplomatic measures are key to preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons and ensuring regional stability.

  • Supporting the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and international collaboration is vital to preventing proliferation and addressing emerging challenges.


Committee Chair

Hon. Thomas Countryman, Minister-Counselor


Environment and Polar Security Committee