Brigadier General Paul “Greg” Smith (U.S. Army)(Ret.)

Last Name: Smith

First Name: Paul

Middle Name: Greg

Rank: Brigadier General

Service/Department: Army, Massachusetts National Guard

ACNSL Offices and Committees:

Medals and Honors:

Legion of Merit; Meritorious Service Medal (with 4 Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (with 4 Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters); Air Force Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (with 2 Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters); National Defense Service Medal (with 1 Bronze Service Star); Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Armed Forces Reserve Medal (with Silver Hourglass); Army Service Ribbon; Army Reserve Overseas Training Ribbon; Massachusetts Army National Guard Service Medal; Massachusetts Desert Storm Service Ribbon; Massachusetts Emergency Service Ribbon; Medalla de Honor del CECOPAZ, Republic of Paraguay

Last or Significant Assignment: Assistant Adjutant General - Army, Massachusetts National Guard

Publications: Confessions of a Weekend Warrior

Brigadier General Paul Smith currently served as Adjutant General - Army, Massachusetts National Guard. He also served as Commander, Land Component Command and Dual-Status Commander. His duties included Army force development initiatives, such as suicide prevention, drug abuse reduction, sexual assault prevention, resiliency building, and development of diversity programs. General Smith oversaw the State Partnership Program with the Republic of Paraguay, where he assisted in the development of United Nations peacekeeping forces. He was the Governor's appointed Commissioner to the Military Interstate Children's Compact and served as the Northeast Representative to the National Guard Bureau Joint Diversity Executive Council. General Smith served as Commander, Joint Task Force - Massachusetts, and has acted in that capacity during numerous emergencies, to include the Western Mass. Tornado, Hurricane Irene, Hurricane Sandy, Winter Storms Nemo and Saturn, and the Boston Marathon Bombings.

General Smith received his commission through the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Reserve Officer Training Corps Program. He has served as a commander at company, battalion and brigade levels. General Smith is a 2005 graduate of the United States Army War College and served as a visiting instructor.


Major General Juan G. Ayala (U.S. Marines) (Ret.)


Ambassador Richard G. Olson, U.S. Department of State (Ret.)